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Learn more about the Student Conduct Board

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of common questions related to the Conduct Board selection process. If you have reviewed this list and still have a question, please contact the Office of Student Conduct at 919.515.2963 or

How much time does the Board require?

In addition to hearings, board meetings are held on the first Friday of each month and include a mixture of training topics, committee work, and other announcements related to the Board. Outside of hearings and meetings, Board members often participate in outreach programs, including classroom presentations on academic misconduct and non-academic misconduct.

What does a typical hearing look like?

Academic hearings are composed of a Presiding Officer, two Board Members and two Faculty members. Non-academic hearings consist of one Presiding Officer and four Board Members. During the hearing, Board members are asked to objectively assess the information presented and come to a conclusion about the responsibility of the Respondent (the person responding to the allegation). If the Board decides the Respondent is responsible for an allegation, the Board also decides determines the appropriate outcome (or sanction) in the case.

What amount of training is provided prior to participation in a hearing?

Prior to participating as a hearing officer, Board members are expected to participate in a number of separate training opportunities. New Member Training is scheduled within the semester of selection and provides the basics for participation on the Board. Training may consist of online and in-person training sessions. Following New Member Training, Board Members gain additional training by observing one full Board hearing and participating in individual training sessions.

In most cases, Board members are fully trained and ready to participate as a hearing officer within a few months.

Although new Board members often express concern about making a mistake, the ongoing training process for new members (and returning members also) often relieves new members of this anxiety and allows them to feel confident in their decisions.

What are the opportunities for leadership development once I’m on the Board?

Members are eligible for increased leadership opportunities. Among these leadership roles are committee chairs, Hearing Assistants, Presiding Officer, President, Vice President of Administration (VPA), Vice President of Recruitment (VPR), and Vice President of Student Engagement (VPSE).

Hearing Assistants are individuals who help guide Respondents (those responding to the allegations) through the conduct process. They provide feedback to respondents and make suggestions regarding the best ways to prepare for an upcoming hearing. Presiding Officers are responsible for managing the flow of information and holding all participants accountable to the procedural parameters established in the Student Discipline Procedures during a hearing.

Are graduate students allowed to be part of the Board?

Yes, graduate students are strongly encouraged to participate as hearing officers on the Board. Because the Board understands that graduate students often have limited time, the obligations placed on graduate students’ participation are reduced. For answers to specific questions about graduate student participation, please contact the Office of Student Conduct at 919.515.2963 or